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“必死に生きてこそ、その生涯は光を放つ―by 織田さん家の信長くん ”









The social withdrawal system anime OTAKU creator's circle of Japan which makes J-ROCK which uses VOCALOID, Hatsune Miku, IA, and GUMI (Megupoid).

The electronic music based on a metal music is studied and created. Up to the near future sound which uses a synthesizer sound source from view of the world of "和(wa)" was expressed using the scale of Japan sound source.


And we have trouble with my illness of "※中二病(chu-nibyo-)" .

(※A net slang which people showing or having narcissism especially they had when they were teens.It is in the signs whose symptoms are shown after growing up in recent years.)



(Hisshini ikitekoso,Sono shougaiwa hikario hanatsu. by Nobunaga Oda )

Just by a meaning's "being desperately useful, the whole life emits light."


Anyway I just want to watch anime without thinking such a thing...


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